Community Event in Manly

Paella Show helping the community

Due to the Covid-19 crisis that is happening worldwide, you can still find some rays of light among so much dark cloud.

There are many initiatives that are being carried out by small neighbourhood communities, to help those most in need.
For example, a group from Brisbane that is helping out people who have lost their jobs recently, and they need the most basic thing, food. TASSCA and Pata Negra are involved in this magnificent campaign, see the link for more information

Community Event Manly

On the other hand, in the Manly area there is a group of Hospitality staff carrying a very interesting campaign- Manly Hospo Meal Delivery
They have launched a fundraising page to collect funds with the idea of ​​bringing homemade food to all the unemployed people in the community, especially the hospitality sector. They have been doing it since March 27, and distributing about 120 servings a day !! and restaurant quality.

Here, at Paella Show catering we wanted to collaborate as much as possible, so we have jumped on and help the best way we can. Paella is a great way to feed a big crowd, therefore, we have been cooking paella on a couple of different days. The ingredients have either been donated or purchased and therefore each paella had its own unique flavour.

You can check the pages and make a donation.

Stay tuned for the next collaborations and also yummy recipes, in the meantime Stay home Stay safe

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